Thursday | April 6, 2023
Georgia’s Electric Cooperatives Power Student Robotics Competition with Renewable Energy
Georgia’s electric cooperatives provided renewable energy to help power several FIRST Robotics Competition events, including the 2023 Peachtree Distri...
Monday | December 9, 2019
Green Power EMC Featured At Energy & Environment Innovation Showcase
Rep. Buddy Carter hosts Georgia-based renewable energy company at showcase highlighting local solutions to energy delivery, emissions reductions, and ...
Tuesday | October 11, 2016
Thomson Middle Seeks STEM Certification with Solar Panel
The future of STEM schools in Houston County just got a little brighter, after Flint Energies and Green Power EMC donated a solar panel to Thomson Mid...
Tuesday | August 30, 2016
SEPA Names Green Power EMC 2016 Electric Cooperative of the Year
The Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) has announced the winners of its 2016 Solar Power Player Awards, to be honored Sept. 13 as part of Solar Powe...
Wednesday | April 20, 2016
Jackson County 4-H Solar Robots Power Up with Green Power EMC
Green Power EMC partners with Jackson County 4-H clubs’ high school robotics team by providing solar energy to power their robot for competitions arou...